Payment for the examination and further costs
1. Payment for the examination
The examination of the cheapest in each case colour/type (Deutsches Reich, MICHEL No. 31 - 97) costs 3.00 euro, extensive examinations of at last cheap stamps cost till 4.00 euros.
The examinations of stamps, which will be marked with the BPP-signum, costs 4.00 euros.
For an examination of stamps at perfect condition with a MICHEL-catalogue value over 100.00 MICHEL euros at least 3% of the MICHEL-catalogue value will be charged; for an examination of stamps at defective condition at least 1,5 % and 2 % respectively (Deutsches Reich, MICHEL No. 1 - 30).
For the examination of values German Post in China, MICHEL No. 8 – 14 and I – IV 4% and 2% respectively will be charged, because of the high scale of technical expenditure.
For the examination of letters, postcards or pieces of cover 5.00 euros will be charged.
For paper thickness measurements at Deutsches Reich, MICHEL No. 45 – 52, which are only carried out on your special request, additional 2.00 euros will be charged.
The minimum payment per shipment amounts to 25.00 euros.

2. Certificates
“Fotoattest” will be issued for perfect values with a MICHEL-catalogue value over 450.00 MICHEL euros. 20.00 euros will be charged as additional fee per “Fotoattest”.
“Befund” will be issued for perfect values with a MICHEL-catalogue value over 250.00 MICHEL euros. 10.00 euros will be charged as additional fee per “Befund”.
“Kurzbefund” will be issued as a rule only on request for perfect small values or for better but defective pieces. 5.00 euros will be charged as additional fee per “Kurzbefund”.

3. Postage/packaging/insurance
Costs of postage are for the account of the customer.
An insurance of the submitted stamps is only possible for the way back since only after the examination a proof (invoice, if necessary certificates / findings) of the value is available.
Shipments that have a higher value can only be insured by me up to an amount of 500.00 euros, if necessary a shipment has to be split up.
Alternatively shipments can be sent by FedEx. Costs resulting from this are at least 60.00 euros.